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En esta revista electrónica que se publica anualmente se plasman trabajos y contribuciones a la enseñanza de las lenguas que reflejan el nivel académico de su cuerpo de profesores. ISSN 1853-614X

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El impacto de la variedad de recursos didácticos en una experiencia áulica

María Marta Bordenave; María Florencia Pédéflous


El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un proyecto didáctico originalmente diseñado para alumnos de entre catorce y quince años con un nivel elemental de inglés en un contexto escolar. Dada la respuesta favorable que despertó entre el alumnado, consideramos que este tipo de material podría ser utilizado como complemento de los recursos empleados habitualmente en la Escuela de Lenguas UNLP. El proyecto se estructura en base a un eje temático (theme-based approach) y se desarrolla a través de la realización de una secuencia de tareas. Consideramos que la efectividad del proyecto se debe a que en su elaboración se tuvieron en cuenta los distintos estilos de aprendizaje, motivación y contexto cultural de los alumnos. Este criterio se refleja en la selección y utilización de variados recursos y tipos de tareas a lo largo de la secuencia didáctica desarrollada en el anexo.

La necesidad de suplementar el libro de texto

Los alumnos del grupo etario aludido más arriba, están atravesando una crisis de identidad que se refleja en sus intereses, motivaciones, conducta y estados de ánimo y que, naturalmente, también alcanza el contexto educativo. Desde este punto de vista, a veces nos encontramos ante la dificultad de que los libros de texto no satisfacen cabalmente las necesidades de nuestros alumnos, es decir, los temas que tratan suelen ser repetitivos y de relativo interés en cuanto a lo personal y cultural. Esto impacta en el aula generando cierto grado de apatía y de falta de orden.

Por otro lado, la dimensión discursiva de la lengua queda a menudo soslayada en dichos textos ya que las actividades requieren ser contextualizadas por el profesor para que no resulten simplemente ejercicios de manipulación de formas lingüísticas aisladas. Creemos que las tareas de clase deben proveer a los alumnos de estímulos para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y de la capacidad para resolver problemas, apelando a actividades que planteen un desafío cuya realización esté dentro de sus posibilidades. Fundamentamos nuestra propuesta (Anexo I) de acuerdo a los siguientes criterios:  

1) Uso de un eje temático

La enseñanza basada en ejes temáticos gira alrededor de una serie de actividades vinculadas por un tema o tópico que actúa como hilo conductor para los alumnos y el profesor. Para desempeñarse en este contexto metodológico, el profesor debe ser capaz de generar un amplio repertorio de actividades y recursos que le permitan planificar sus clases de modo tal que todos los alumnos se sientan activamente involucrados en el proceso de aprendizaje. A través del pensamiento creativo y una organización cuidadosa, un mismo tema puede generar una larga lista de actividades lo que se presta para explotar contenidos trasversales, aprovechando la experiencia previa que los alumnos poseen.

Desde el punto de vista lingüístico, la Enseñanza de la Lengua Basada en Tópicos, (ELBT) incorpora ideas del Enfoque Comunicativo de la Enseñanza de Lenguas, (ECEL) al proporcionar a los alumnos oportunidades para aprender dicha lengua mientras la usan, en contextos motivantes que provocan una necesidad auténtica de comunicación.

Asimismo, ofrece una experiencia integral ya que las actividades apelan al desarrollo cognitivo, afectivo y social del alumno y no solamente al desarrollo de conocimiento y habilidades en la lengua inglesa.

Otro de los beneficios de la ELBT es que ofrece la posibilidad de incluir material auténtico con una amplia gama de tipos discursivos, por ejemplo: historias, poemas, videos, textos informativos no ficcionales, recursos tomados de internet, catálogos, folletos, revistas, canciones y material educativo diseñado para hablantes nativos.

Resumiendo, los alumnos guiados por un contenido relacionado con sus intereses y vivencias, sienten la necesidad de expresar su conocimiento a sus pares y/o profesor. La ELBT abre los horizontes del aula al incorporar el mundo externo, teniendo en cuenta los intereses y gustos reales del alumno y no solamente los supuestos por los autores de textos para la enseñanza.

2) Diversidad de estilos de aprendizaje y preferencias en el aula

Nuestra manera de abordar la realidad y experimentar el mundo que nos rodea está dada por aspectos psicológicos y neurofisiológicos que determinan un estilo cognitivo (Revell and Norman1997) y por ende de aprendizaje. Estos estilos se manifiestan en el modo en que percibimos nuestro medio, procesamos información, pensamos y recordamos. Es necesario entonces, a la hora de realizar nuestra labor docente, proponer actividades que apelen a la mayor cantidad de los referidos estilos de aprendizaje. Existen diferentes tipologías de estilos de aprendizaje; algunas están basadas en el sistema sensorial que los alumnos utilizan en forma predominante al aprender y recordar; de acuerdo a esta clasificación existen aprendices visuales, auditivos y kinestésicos. Otras proponen una clasificación basada en el modo en el que los alumnos prefieren aprender. En este sentido existen estilos individuales, grupales, concretos, analíticos, comunicativos y dependientes de la autoridad del docente. Es necesario conocer los estilos de aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos para la planificación y desarrollo de nuestras clases en cuanto a la selección de actividades, la actitud frente al curso, o la ubicación de los alumnos en el aula. Este tipo de información puede ayudarnos a anticipar lo que será más efectivo para nuestra práctica docente.

3) Uso de tareas en el aula

Ernest Von Glaserfeld, (en Williams and Burden,1997) considerado el padre del constructivismo, sostiene que el conocimiento es instrumental, es decir, se utiliza para un determinado propósito y carece de sentido si está aislado. Para Von Glaserfeld, la mejor manera de poner el constructivismo en práctica es a través de la presentación de tareas (tasks) en forma de problemas para ser resueltos (1995).

De acuerdo a David Nunan (2004), una tarea es una actividad que implica que el alumno comprenda, manipule, produzca o interactúe en la lengua meta mientras su atención está focalizada en expresar significados, es decir, con la intención de trasmitir un mensaje en vez de manipular formas linguísticas.

Entendemos como tarea, toda actividad en donde el uso del lenguaje está centrado en "el significado". La tarea se ocupa del sentido pragmático, es decir del uso del lenguaje en contexto y requiere que los participantes empleen los mismos tipos de procesos comunicativos que utilizan en situaciones reales y que su atención se centre en el mensaje que deben comunicar. Las tareas constituyen, mientras los participantes las llevan a cabo, lo que Lee (2000) llama "un mecanismo para estructurar y secuenciar la interacción".

Según L.Vygotsky y el constructivismo social (en Williams and Burden, 1997)) consideramos que:

1) el alumno es constructor de sus propios significados de manera única y personal y el aprendizaje es mediado (hecho accesible) por el docente, adulto o par con mayor conocimiento;

2) el alumno es el centro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje;

3) el aprendizaje es resultado de la interacción entre aprendices, docentes y tareas en un determinado contexto.

Aprendices y usuarios de una lengua se consideran actores sociales que comparten una tarea (no meramente lingüística) en determinadas circunstancias y en un medio dado. Por lo tanto, en las tareas se induce al alumno a comunicarse desde su propia identidad, expresándose desde su vivencia y mundo experiencial para desarrollar de modo natural diferentes estrategias en el proceso de aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. (Klett 2007)

Desde el punto de vista de la motivación, experimentar el logro de haber encontrado soluciones a problemas, da a los alumnos la sensación de habilidad y competencia que los motiva a enfrentarse a nuevos desafíos.

4) Contexto cultural de los alumnos

Si consideramos la lengua como una práctica que se realiza en un contexto social determinado a su vez por un medio cultural, entendemos que aprender otra lengua conlleva adentrarse en la cultura con la cual se la asocia. Sin embargo esto no implica que el aprendiz deba apropiarse de la cultura/ culturas que se le presentan, más bien, debería existir una zona de frontera entre la cultura de la lengua meta y las culturas locales (representadas por el profesor y los aprendices). El aprendizaje se efectivizará mientras el profesor y los alumnos construyen una "tercera" cultura al entablar un diálogo en la clase.

Poseer competencia intercultural implica la habilidad de interactuar con otros, aceptar otras perspectivas y percepciones del mundo, de mediar entre esas distintas perspectivas. La tarea del docente es facilitar la interacción del aprendiz con una parte de otra sociedad y su cultura, con el propósito de relativizar la comprensión de sus propios valores culturales, creencias y comportamientos y asimismo alentarlo a investigar por sí mismo la diversidad que lo rodea.

Consideramos que el concepto de contexto cultural no se limita a un país o países donde la lengua madre y la lengua meta son habladas, lo hacemos extensivo al "mundo" del aula donde por motivos familiares, sociales, y factores relacionados con la inmigración, entre otros, también se produce una encrucijada de culturas que propone un desafío incluso a veces mayor al de la cultura representada por la lengua meta.


Creemos que el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje es efectivo sólo cuando el alumno se involucra en dicho proceso con todo su potencial intelectual, afectivo, físico y social. Nuestro punto de partida es conocer sus intereses, motivaciones y necesidades para hacer de nuestra práctica docente una experiencia verdaderamente efectiva que proporcione a nuestros alumnos herramientas y estrategias que alienten su independencia y autonomía.

Al realizar nuestra propuesta hemos intentado contemplar todos los aspectos mencionados anteriormente. Si bien obtuvimos resultados favorables, sostenemos que nuestra tarea implica una continua búsqueda de respuestas para poder adaptarnos a los desafíos presentados por un mundo en constante cambio.


Bronckart, Jean Paul (2007) Desarrollo del lenguaje y didáctica de las lenguas, Miño y Dávila, Argentina.

Byram,M and Stevens (2001 ) Developing intercultural Competence in Practice, UTP Distribution. c. Book News Inc, UK.

Cameron, Lynne (2001) Teaching Language to Young Learners, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Ellis, Rod (2003) Task-based Language Learning and Teaching, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Klett, Estela (2007) Recorridos en didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras, Araucaria Editora, Buenos Aires.

Lee, J.F. (2000) Tasks and Communicating in Language Classrooms. Taipei, Mc Graw-Hill

Mehisto, Peeter, Marsh, David and Frigols, María Jesús(2008) Uncovering CLIL, Macmillan Education, Oxford.

Nunan, David (2004) Task-based language teaching, CUP, Cambridge.

Revell and Susan Norman (1997) In Your Hands ,Saffire Press, London.

Sowden, Colin (2007) "Culture and the "good teacher" in the English Language Classroom." ELT Journal, Volumes 61/4, Oxford University Press.

Tice, Julie (1997) The Mixed Ability Class, Richmond Publishing, London.

Williams, Marion and Burden, Robert L. (1997) Psychology for Language Teachers : a Social Constructivist Approach, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Anexo I


Look at the pictures on the board and think about school in general. With your partner think and then write words to describe:

The Building Teachers Schoolmates Things you learn Activities
comfortable demanding      

Now get ready to talk about your school. What things do you like about your school? What things don't you like? Make a short list.

I like

I don't mind

I don't like




Look at this.

I love Maths because the lessons are interesting.

Now get ready to share your ideas with your partner. You can use the following as a guide.


I love



I like


+ -

I don't mind …



I don't like very much



I don't like ..



I really hate…


In your notebook, record some of the ideas about school you discussed with your partner.

This is a poem about school written by a student. Read to see if your ideas are similar to his.

School just school

School we need it
school, friends
school you have teachers
school is great
high school is even better
college, PARTIES

school you mite find your true love
new experiences everyday
school, dances
school just school
school who dose not love it
school is fun

school, preps
school, classes
school, math, science, computer classes
school is great love it
school just school
we need school

Kerri King

In this poem, the writer feels:

indifferent, for example he says …………………

Is your opinion similar, why or why not? Tell a partner. Do you feel the same?

I think my school is (very) similar / different, because …

Now you are going to write a short poem about your school. You can use the one above as a model or you can invent a completely new format. You can add pictures, if you want.

When you write your poem, remember

- to express your feelings
- you can use rhyme to make it more musical
- you can play with sounds or words

Get ready to read your poem to the class. You can give your poem to the teacher to make a class poster.

Are there any problems at your school? With your partner, make a list. Then compare your lists in groups and see if you have problems in common.

1) Have a look at this picture dictionary. You are going to read a story about a problem connected with school. All these words are connected to it. Can you predict what the story is about? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………



Now you are going to work in groups of five. Each of you is going to read a part of the story. When you finish reading, get ready to tell your part of the story to the rest of the group and together, reconstruct the entire story.

The Bullies (adapted from Magic Time 2 by Davis, Gerngross, Holzmann, Puchta, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, 1996 )

Student 1

- Read and underline in different colours information about:

The protagonists of the story

The problem

A lec and Richard from 3C first stopped Henry at the fooELBTridge over the motorway two weeks ago. They took away his backpack and threw it into the bushes.

"Bring us 50 cents tomorrow or we will throw some more of your things away", they said. Henry was very much afraid. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't talk to his father. His father would say "Fight back! And his mother would say "Tell your teacher". But Henry didn't want to fight back, and he didn't want to tell his teacher. So the next day he gave them the 50 cents.

A week later, on a Tuesday afternoon: it was twenty past three. Henry quickly took his coat out of his locker. Then he ran quickly out of school. He was afraid. Would Alec and Richard be at the fooELBTridge?


Student 2

- Read and underline in different colours information about:

Richard's and Alec's actions

Henry's actions

When he got to the fooELBTridge, Alec and Richard were already there. Richard said, "have you got the money?" Henry didn't say anything. He had no pocket money left. Alec and Richard said again:

"Where's the money?"

Henry tried to run away, but Alec held his coat and Richard punched him in the face. His lips and his nose hurt a lot. Then they took his pencil case out of his school bag and threw it from the fooELBTridge down onto the motorway.

"What's happened to you?" said Henry's mother when he came home.

"Oh, I just fell over in the playground," he answered.


Student 3

- Read and underline in different colours information about:

A girl in the story

What Henry wants from the girl

The girl's resolution

The next day, Henry sat in a corner in the playground. He was afraid of going home after school. He had no money to pay Alec and Richard. "You don't look very happy", said somebody behind him. He turned round and saw Vanessa, a girl from his class. He didn't want to talk to Vanessa about it, but then he said, "I'm alright. But, erm, could I borrow 50p from you?" "50? What for? You are not allowed to borrow money at school," she said. Henry didn't know what to say. "Tell me what it is for and I'll give it to you", she said. "Well," said Henry, "I have to give it to Alec and Richard or they will punch me and throw my things away. They wait for me every day at the fooELBTridge over the motorway." "You live near Palmer park, don't you?" "Yes, why?" "I live on the other side of the park, near the church. I could go home with you today, ok? "Henry wanted to say no. Walking home with a girl! Oh no! But then he thought of Richard and Alec. "Yes, alright, thank you," he answered.


Student 4

- Read and underline in different colours information about:

Vanessa's attitude

Henry's attitude

After school, Henry and Vanessa walked to the fooELBTridge. Alec and Richard were already there. "Come over here," they said to Henry. "What do you want?" Vanessa said.

"Go away you, you stupid little cow."

"Leave me alone!" Vanessa answered.

"And leave Henry alone, or I'll tell your teacher about you."

Henry and Vanessa walked on. Alec and Richard shouted at Henry,

"We'll get you tomorrow!

"Have you told your parents about this? Vanessa asked.

"No, I didn't want to."

"I think you should tell them."


Student 5

- Read and underline in different colours information about:

Henry's mother

Richard and Alec's attitude

When they got to Henry's house, the two children told Henry's mother about Alec and Richard. Henry's mother telephoned the school and spoke to the headmaster.

The next day the door to Henry's classroom opened and the headmaster came in with Alec and Richard.

"These two boys have something to say to you," the headmaster said to Henry.

"We are very sorry", they said.

"And here's the money we took from you".

Alec and Richard never bullied Henry again. Henry often walked home with

Vanessa. When they crossed the fooELBTridge, he always thought, "It's good to have a friend."

What about the predictions you wrote in 1)? Tell your partner if they came true.

In groups, read the following ideas. They are the main events from the story. Can you put them in chronological order?

- Henry and Vanessa walked to the fooELBTridge. ( )
- Vanessa shouted at the bullies. ( )
- Alec and Richard demanded 50 cents from Henry. ( )
- Alec and Richard apologised. ( )
- Alec and Richard threw Henry's school things into the bushes. ( 1 )
- Henry told his mother about the bullies. ( )
- Henry's mother spoke to the headmaster. ( )
- Henry told Vanessa about the bullies. ( )

Compare your answers with the rest of the class.

Now get in pairs and discuss these questions with your partner. Do you agree?

What is the problem?
What did Alec and Richard do?
How did Henry feel?
What about Henry's parents? What was their attitude?
How did he solve the problem?

What about your school?

Is this a problem at your school?
Why do some people do those things?  

What did you think of the story?

Did you like it? Why or why not?
Who is your favourite character from the story? What did you like about him/her?

Have a look at the words below. They appear in the cartoons. What do they mean? Match them to the right definition.


1. figuratively
2. bones
3. bullies
4. confident

a. Hard parts inside the body
c. Boys that frighten other children.
c. Used with an imaginative meaning
e. Believing in your own abilities


Bully was only speaking figuratively when he said that he could break every bone in his classmate's body. by Love, Jason


Look at this piece of advice from cartoon number 2

" Be confident. Bullies don't like people who are not afraid."

You can also say this in a different way:

"You should be confident. Bullies don't like people who are not afraid."

Look at the words in the box. With your partner, put them in the corresponding space to complete the advice to stop bullying.

safe teacher help response tell want afraid

1. You should be confident. Bullies don't like people who are not afraid.
2. You should walk away and get__________!
3. If someone bullies you, you should tell a friend, ________or parent.
4. You should always be friendly, violence is never a good_________.
5. You should always stay in _________ places.
6. If you see someone bullying your friend, you should _________ someone.
7. You should always treat others the way you __________to be treated.

With your partner think of some extra tips.

Use : You should … / shouldn't …

Compare your tips with another pair and choose the best four. Write them on a piece of paper, in different colours.

- Get in groups again and prepare a short dialogue about a bullying scene.

- Now get ready to act out your dialogue. Make sure everybody can participate (actors, director, props, etc).

- Sometimes people who look different from the rest are bullied. But do we really know those people? Perhaps they are not so different! Your teacher will give you a website address and the name of a special group of young people. Navigate it to find information about your group and complete the following chart.  

Let's watch a video.

What's the main message of this video?


Watch the video again.

Tick ( v ) the actions you see.

A boy is throwing a backpack at another boy. ( )
There's a boy looking fiercely at another boy. ( )
A girl has a bruise on one eye. ( )
A group of boys are laughing at a boy wearing glasses. ( )
A boy is punching another one near the lockers. ( )

Let's take some time and pause the video at the poster.

It shows reasons for bullying. Which are the most typical ones? Choose two and compare them with your partner.

Go on watching and write some of the words used in the video to describe bullies.

Watch the following part and choose one tip in the video for fighting against bullying. Write it in the line below.


Do you think this video clip is effective? Why/why not?


Your school will conduct a campaign against bullying and wants your contribution. Work in groups.You can:

- draw a comic strip
- design a poster about bullying
- make a short video
- any other idea that you like.

Final reflection.

Did you like to work with this sequence?

What did you learn about you, your partners, the world around you the English language?

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